Beginning with a series of confrontations with the biggest actors in France, in which the director/star Laurent Baffie attempts to recruit a sidekick for his new movie, this film quickly descends into clichés and visual tricks all centred around the business of making movies.
Whoever Baffie does succeed in hiring he’s completely unknown to me and I get the impression he’s a fairly washed up actor in France – just as Baffie would be known to French audiences for his television work but not to anyone else. Together, the two rather irritating ‘comedians’ travel through space and time all thanks to the convenience of editing. Along the way they tick every box in terms of what a film can contain (even making a list at one point, to ensure everything gets a mention) and also how a film is made, finding humour in the use of inappropriate sound effects, recurring extras and disorientating jump cuts.
To the easily entertained this might be enjoyable but for me it had a similar effect to watching an exhibition by someone who has just decided to be a video artist and has created a piece revolving around a simple parallel montage, ie. they’re nowhere near as clever and innovative as they think they are.
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